Simplifying configuration for Teamplify chatbot

September 11, 2024
Build #7186

Teamplify integration with Slack and Mattermost has many features, such as showing chat activity in Team Analytics, delivering Notifications to the team chat, and posting Daily Standup reports.

Besides that, the Teamplify chatbot can react to messages posted in chat channels by notifying people that a person they mentioned is currently unavailable or expanding a task they refer to:

Chat mention example

Today, we're changing the way you can turn these chatbot reactions on and off. In Slack or Mattermost integration settings, you can see the list of chat channels with switches that turn Teamplify data sync on and off. These switches are now responsible for the chatbot reactions as well:

Slack integration settings example

Our previous recommended method for controlling chatbot reactions was adding or removing the chatbot from a Slack channel, but this method was confusing for some users and incompatible with Mattermost. The new method is more straightforward and transparent and works consistently for both chat platforms that we support so far.

As a result of this change, you may find that the Teamplify chatbot reactions no longer work in some chat channels where they used to. You can always enable them back by navigating to the Integrations page in Teamplify, selecting your chat integration, and then enabling chat channels where you want Teamplify to be active.

If you need any help configuring your Teamplify workspace, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are always happy to help!