Virtual standups in your team chat

Virtual standups in your team chat

Meeting time is precious, so spend it wisely. Written daily updates help teams stay in sync with fewer distractions and have more productive meetings.
Slack Mattermost
Tony Stanhope, Lead developer at Organic
Tony Stanhope, Lead developer at Organic
After switching to Teamplify, our team stand-ups have changed completely. Instead of figuring out who is working on what, we jump directly to concrete problems. It’s a huge time saver.

Identify stuck progress

01 Tasks that drag on for too long

See how long tasks have been in progress, and spot situations that may require your attention.

Teamplify combines issue status updates with work schedule to calculate the time spent on each task, making a reasonably accurate estimate even without a time tracker.

Tasks that drag on for too long
02 Long pauses in coding activity

A “No recent commits” warning could mean that a developer is distracted or stuck and may need help.

Long pauses in coding activity
03 Issues without updates

Periodic “Issue updates” notifications remind people to provide an update on their task in progress.

Issues without updates

Keep your issue tracker organized

Teamplify integrates with your favorite issue tracker and helps to keep it organized and up-to-date. Works with Jira, YouTrack, GitHub and GitLab issues, Trello, and Linear.
Jira Jira YouTrack YouTrack GitHub GitHub GitLab GitLab Trello Trello Linear Linear Asana Asana
01 Work transparency

Teamplify can see if your teammates have a task in progress and issue a warning if they don’t, so there’s no ambiguity about what they’re working on.

Work transparency
02 Smart due date reminders

Reminders rely on work days rather than calendar days for better accuracy.

Smart due date reminders
03 Get questions answered

Automatically detect unanswered questions in issue comments that have been pending for too long and politely ask people to respond.

Get questions answered

Plan with vacations and holidays in mind

01 Team members availability

Daily standup reports include a compact availability calendar that shows upcoming vacations, holidays, and more.

Thanks to the built-in worldwide support for national holidays, you’ll see their holidays and will never be caught by surprise, no matter where your colleagues are based.

Team members availability
02 Peace of mind on vacation

Teamplify will never bother people on their vacation with notifications, and it will let others know their teammate is not available.

Peace of mind on vacation

Adapts to your team workflow

Some teams prefer live video daily standups. Others opt for fully asynchronous mode, relying on status updates in team chat. Smart Daily Standup gets you covered in both cases.
01 Better prepare for live meetings

Collecting team status updates in advance helps to hold more productive meetings.

Meeting time is precious. Focus on actual problems, rather than figuring out routine questions.

Better prepare for live meetings
02 Asynchronous status updates

Team sync does not necessarily require a meeting. Asynchronous status updates work just fine for many teams, and Smart Daily Standup supports this mode too.

Asynchronous status updates
03 Your team, your rules

All automated checks included in Smart Daily Standup are fully configurable. Enable those that make sense for your team, and fine-tune check parameters and exceptions.

Your team, your rules

Get Started

Interactive tour of the system with live data.

Schedule a demo

Smart Daily standup works with other Teamplify features – Team Analytics and Time Off Management, for better visibility and planning.