Migrating a production database without any downtime

October 16, 2024 Denis Stebunov
Migrating a production database without any downtime
In this episode, we'll cover the basic principles of zero-downtime database migrations and provide quick recipes for the most common scenarios.
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Feedback sessions that developers won't hate

June 24, 2023 Denis Stebunov
Feedback sessions that developers won't hate
Feedback sessions are a powerful tool for improving team engagement and performance when done right.
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Debugging your presentation skills

April 19, 2023 Jacqueline Guiter
Debugging your presentation skills
Learn how to present your work with confidence and clarity, even if you're nervous about public speaking
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Why go full-stack in 2023?

February 1, 2023 Denis Stebunov
Why go full-stack in 2023?
What does it mean to be a full-stack web developer today, and what are their pros and cons for team productivity?
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Effortless Time Tracking

December 30, 2022 Denis Stebunov
Effortless Time Tracking
Fully automated time tracking that is privacy-friendly and doesn't require installing anything on your devices - how is that possible?
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Why public chats are better than direct messages

September 7, 2022 Denis Stebunov
Why public chats are better than direct messages
How we communicate makes an enormous impact on our work. One of the best strategies for improving communication in a team is making it open.
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How to get unstuck and make progress

August 4, 2022 Denis Stebunov
How to get unstuck and make progress
Developers spend an enormous amount of time being stuck. I've been a developer and an engineering manager myself for many years, and I think being stuck is the default state. We, developers, spend most of our time being stuck, and just occasionally, we get unstuck and make progress.
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Minimizing gaps of communication

February 21, 2022 Jacqueline Guiter
Minimizing gaps of communication
Communication among humans is always imperfect – something always falls through the cracks. You may hold meetings, write memos, report regularly on your work progress, and something will still get lost – a broken link in the chain of communication, or just a tiny gap.
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Why work transparency matters

November 8, 2021 Denis Stebunov
Why work transparency matters
Let's discuss what can be useful when watching how other people work and whether it makes sense to showcase what you're doing.
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Improving communication in development teams

December 7, 2020 Denis Stebunov
In software development, communicating productively is as important as writing quality code quickly. Maybe even more important — studies show that most problems in software projects are in fact communication problems.
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Why you should be careful with developer metrics

December 6, 2020 Denis Stebunov
If you've ever managed any software project, you've probably asked yourself: how could our teams move faster? How fast are we moving today? For these kinds of questions, it's tempting to turn to metrics.
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