Redesigned Daily Standups

April 25, 2024
Build #6901

Smart Daily Standup is one of the most popular features in Teamplify, and we've received lots of user feedback on it. Many users wanted to see the previous reports when submitting or reading a fresh one, and today, we made it happen – together with numerous other improvements 🎉

Redesigned daily standups

On the new Daily Standup page, you can scroll down and see previous reports – it's as simple as that! Also, we color-coded non-working days, just like on the Team Calendar, for easier visual recognition. And if you want to switch to another team member, click on their avatar at the top.

Please note: the standup settings have been moved to the team settings page:

Redesigned daily standups settings

Other than that, it's the same daily standup that you're used to – with Slack integration, built-in Team Analytics, and smart features, including effortless time tracking.