Introducing Team Analytics

November 01, 2022
Build #5315
No issues in progress
Pull requests that took the most time

Team Analytics provides valuable insights for team leaders and managers, helping them to evaluate and improve team performance.

Improving code reviews

Experienced developers and managers know that suboptimal code reviews can be a major bottleneck in the development process. Long-standing pull requests slow everything down and come with a higher risk of bugs.

Team Analytics helps you keep an eye on that. It shows pull requests waiting for too long and how code reviews are distributed in the team. You can spot situations where some team members are overloaded with code reviews, which could be an opportunity for improvement:

Team activity
Team activity
Better-informed performance reviews

Another important use case for Analytics is performance reviews, which many companies do once or twice a year. The best performance reviews rely on human assessment and data analysis (when meaningful data is available). Neither of these tools is perfect by itself, but they can work great as a combo. We built the new Analytics tool to help you balance both by bringing in some data but not over-relying on metrics.

No issues in progress
Issues that took the most time

Teamplify Analytics provides the most useful information that we can learn from team collaboration data:

  • Which tasks did they work on, and how long did it take?
  • Was the communication well balanced with the focus on code?
  • With whom did they collaborate most? (available in individual member profiles only)
The first gives you an idea about the amount of work accomplished over a given time period, and the second provides some insight into the process. Finally, the Collaborators tab helps you identify the best candidates for a 360° feedback review:

Proper work time measurement

Team Analytics reports include some data based on work time - such as pull request review time or how long a task was in progress. Thanks to integrated Time Off management, it relies on business days rather than calendar days, which is more accurate and trustworthy.


For example, if a task started on Friday and finished on Tuesday, and that person took a day off on Monday, it counts as two business days, despite the five calendar day count.

See it in action

Team view: open any team in the main navigation menu, and then click on the Analytics tab; Individual view: open any member profile and click the Analytics tab. Please note that our Collaborators report, previously available as a separate tab in member profiles, has been moved and included in the Analytics tab.

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